Thursday 13 April 2023

Using LUMEN5 AI video generator

Here is the script made using ChatGPT Lesson Plan: Digital Imaging with Geometrical Shapes Using Adobe Elements 11 Objective: Students will learn to create digital images using geometrical shapes and the online image editing tool They will explore various geometric shapes, their properties, and how to manipulate them to create visually appealing compositions. Materials: Computers or laptops with internet access (free online image editing tool) Projector or smartboard for demonstrations Printable handouts of geometric shapes for reference Lesson 1: Introduction to Geometric Shapes and Warm-up activity: Begin the lesson with a brief review of basic geometric shapes, such as circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and polygons. Discuss their properties, such as sides, angles, and symmetry, and how they can be found in the environment and everyday objects. Demonstration: Introduce as an online image editing tool that allows students to create and edit images. Show them how to access and navigate its features, including the various tools and editing options available. Hands-on activity: Have students create an account on or use a shared class account, if available. Instruct them to experiment with the basic shapes available in's shapes library, such as circles, squares, and triangles, and explore how to resize, rotate, and duplicate them. Guided practice: Provide step-by-step instructions for students to create a simple composition using geometric shapes in For example, they could create a landscape scene using triangles for mountains, circles for sun/moon, and squares/rectangles for buildings. Share and discuss: After completing their compositions, have students share their work with the class and discuss their creative choices, such as how they used different shapes to create their images and how they manipulated the shapes to achieve their desired effects. Lesson 2: Advanced Geometric Shapes and Editing Techniques Review: Begin the lesson with a review of the basic geometric shapes covered in the previous lesson. Demonstration: Introduce more advanced geometric shapes, such as rhombuses, trapezoids, and hexagons, and discuss their properties and how they can be used in compositions. Hands-on activity: Instruct students to continue exploring's shapes library to find and use more advanced geometric shapes in their compositions. Encourage them to experiment with different ways of combining and overlapping shapes to create more complex compositions. Guided practice: Provide step-by-step instructions for students to create a new composition using advanced geometric shapes in For example, they could create an abstract design using a combination of different polygons, circles, and lines. Editing techniques: Introduce various editing techniques in, such as adjusting brightness, contrast, and saturation; applying filters and effects; and using layers and blending modes to add depth and texture to their images. Demonstrate how these techniques can enhance their compositions. Share and discuss: After completing their compositions and applying editing techniques, have students share their work with the class and discuss the impact of the editing techniques on their images. Encourage them to reflect on how they used geometric shapes and editing techniques to create visually appealing compositions. Lesson 3: Creative Exploration and Final Project Warm-up activity: Begin the lesson with a brainstorming session on creative ways to use geometric shapes in digital imaging. Encourage students to think outside the box and come up with unique and imaginative ideas. Independent exploration: Allow students to explore and experiment with different combinations of geometric shapes, editing techniques, and creative ideas to create their own unique compositions. Provide guidance and support

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